Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Seth Casteel

Monday, February 27, 2012
Hey this really isn't related to graphic design but I'm in a competition to dj ultra music festival in Miami if you guys could please take a listen press the little heart and comment that'd be rad. I'm less than 50 plays away from qualifying. Here's the link
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Greenpeace has an interesting concept for their new campaign. If you can't read the copy it states "The DNA of genetically modified plants may contain the genes of insects, animals or even viruses. These products may potentially cause harm to your health. Look for a "GMO Free" sign on the package."
Tic Tac Advertisment
I'm sure everybody has seen this ad if you have taken the subway recently. When I saw this, I actually went up close to look at it. It's such a simple idea but gets the point across effectively and is memorable.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Campaign against Guantanamo - Interactive billboard
Here is a very innovative campaign against Guantanamo by a Swedish agency Gerbergs http://www.garbergs.se/#/
Saturday, February 18, 2012
David Ogilvy on writing
Check out these inspiring and clever tips on writing.
Also, the One Show's Twitter a while ago posted this amazing quote by Joseph Chilton Pearce:
"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong"
For me, this quote hits home because advertising is something you have to keep trying and trying until you get it right. You have to be wrong a lot to be right.
Also, the One Show's Twitter a while ago posted this amazing quote by Joseph Chilton Pearce:
"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong"
For me, this quote hits home because advertising is something you have to keep trying and trying until you get it right. You have to be wrong a lot to be right.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
I found this blog and it has some pretty interesting stuff. The Mall of America spot is particularly cute if you scroll down a bit.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Juergen Teller
They see me Trollin' They hatin'
So, this doesn't have anything to do with graphic design, but I just thought it was funny how angry people get over little things. I decided it would be fun to troll a satire blog and this is what happens...
Skrillex Trollin'
and here's another response to it
enjoy and happy trolls.
Skrillex Trollin'
and here's another response to it
enjoy and happy trolls.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Initial Ideas
Idea 1:
The great moments in the history of the US, which have affected politics.
Idea 2:
Abstract Portrait of Important figures in the politics.
Idea 3: First lady's fashion
Idea 4: Comic/Politics
As you cut food, you will see the food screaming in the style of a speech bubble in comics.
Matt Brown Concepts

My first concept involves censoring. It's a pretty basic concept just putting a black censor bar over everything, and possibly having the words "This (plate/bowl/cup/etc) has been censored by your government/for your inconvenience."
My second concept involved making the dishes and everything have real quotes from protest signs. I'm not sure if I'd rather do serious signs, ridiculous signs, or a combo of the two.
My third idea is to write on plates text such as Occupy this Plate, or Occupy this Mug.
Initial Concepts- Marisa Lim
Concept 1: Mix and Match Political Standings
This idea is based around the concept of personalised and customised political standings.
In present day, it is hard to identify and define one's individual political standing with just one word, this is usually not enough to depict their views. An individual may feel or believe a certain away in relation to one circumstance and topic whereas may feel contradictory in relation to another. Therefore the words "democrat" or "republican" is not substantial in providing a deeper understanding of one's viewpoints but perhaps would want to be elaborated on, especially over a meal.
Therefore specific issues and topics are made to correspond with a specific piece of dinnerware/cutlery. They are as follows:
Cups and Mugs: Political
Plates: Social
Deep Bowls: Economical
Shallow Bowls: Environmental
Under each category there are then multiple plates that correspond to how the individual may feel about that issue, therefore he/she can choose a dinnerware set accordingly and have their personal views relatable depending on each issue. Each individual therefore has a unique set defining their standings.
As for the visual execution, each design will be an abstract representation of each viewpoint. For example, the definition for each political standing will have key words and those key words be represented using only shapes, lines and colours.
For example: Conservative will utilize thin close together lines. Republicans like what is natural and therefore the use of organic shapes, as opposed to Democrats who will have geometric forms.
Concept 2: Political Slang/Jargon
Utilizing seemingly funny and obscure political phrases that have negative definitions to bring to light the darker sides of politics through a humorous means and therefore providing insight to politics.
Words that individuals may not necessarily be familiar with therefore creating excitement around figuring out what is being depicted visually.
Examples of phrases/words:
This idea is based around the concept of personalised and customised political standings.
In present day, it is hard to identify and define one's individual political standing with just one word, this is usually not enough to depict their views. An individual may feel or believe a certain away in relation to one circumstance and topic whereas may feel contradictory in relation to another. Therefore the words "democrat" or "republican" is not substantial in providing a deeper understanding of one's viewpoints but perhaps would want to be elaborated on, especially over a meal.
Therefore specific issues and topics are made to correspond with a specific piece of dinnerware/cutlery. They are as follows:
Cups and Mugs: Political
Plates: Social
Deep Bowls: Economical
Shallow Bowls: Environmental
Under each category there are then multiple plates that correspond to how the individual may feel about that issue, therefore he/she can choose a dinnerware set accordingly and have their personal views relatable depending on each issue. Each individual therefore has a unique set defining their standings.
As for the visual execution, each design will be an abstract representation of each viewpoint. For example, the definition for each political standing will have key words and those key words be represented using only shapes, lines and colours.
For example: Conservative will utilize thin close together lines. Republicans like what is natural and therefore the use of organic shapes, as opposed to Democrats who will have geometric forms.
Concept 2: Political Slang/Jargon
Utilizing seemingly funny and obscure political phrases that have negative definitions to bring to light the darker sides of politics through a humorous means and therefore providing insight to politics.
Words that individuals may not necessarily be familiar with therefore creating excitement around figuring out what is being depicted visually.
Examples of phrases/words:
- pork-barreling
- fillibustering
- limousine liberal
- watermelon
- voodoo poll
- lame duck
- kool-aid drinkers
These will be visually depicted as literal as possible, executed in a doodle like manner in the centre of each dinner piece. As if they were drawn by children. The definition of each phrase/word will be written on the back of each piece of dinnerware.
Concept 3: Fill My Plate With Hunger
Visually depicts the ways in which different political standings choose to deal with helping and minimizing poverty and hunger, both domestically and abroad. The systems, programs and regimes they adopt in order to do this.
Perhaps Fishs Eddy could save a percentage of each purchased dinnerware from this line in order to contribute to a charity of some sort to help hunger.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
sex on a plate!
Bringing awareness to sex and sexuality in America through a medium that everyone understands (everyone eats!)
Attached are a few sketches of sex on a plate, mug etc. Also playing with the idea of doing super graphic photos. I'll save those examples for later. Yum!
other ideas:
- keeping abortion legal, a woman has a right to choose
-same sex marriage
-gender reassignent
-legalization of prostitution
It's no secret that America has an eating problem. Obesity is arguably more pornographic than two hot chicks getting weird. It's ironic that I am calling attention to the conservative positions towards sex through tableware. Maybe your double wopper with cheese will taste better served atop a bacchanalia of excess, maybe not. But we didn't get on this earth by not fucking, but we are certainly getting super fat by over eating. +1 for the Soda tax.
Attached are a few sketches of sex on a plate, mug etc. Also playing with the idea of doing super graphic photos. I'll save those examples for later. Yum!
other ideas:
- keeping abortion legal, a woman has a right to choose
-same sex marriage
-gender reassignent
-legalization of prostitution
It's no secret that America has an eating problem. Obesity is arguably more pornographic than two hot chicks getting weird. It's ironic that I am calling attention to the conservative positions towards sex through tableware. Maybe your double wopper with cheese will taste better served atop a bacchanalia of excess, maybe not. But we didn't get on this earth by not fucking, but we are certainly getting super fat by over eating. +1 for the Soda tax.
Saturday, February 4, 2012

My first idea is about the flag of the United States. Since I'm not from the U.S. the flag of the United States always was a kind of symbol for me. A symbol with a lot of graphic elements and rules. So why not break it and play with the given graphic elements.
2nd idea - OCCUPY

This idea was inspired by the occupy movement. It's rather about the word 'occupy' and it's meaning regarding to food. Just like wealth, we should also share food. E.g. to encourage others at lunch to just take the coffee if they want to. Open dinner for all, freedom of expression for all.
3rd idea - HOPE

My last idea is about the symbolic design method used for the 'HOPE' poster which became synonymous with the 2008 Obama presidential campaign. The Poster was originally designed by Shepard Fairey, a streetart artist also known as OBEY. I applied this design method to vegetables and a coffee bean to combine food and politics.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Abby Grimshaw's Ideas
Concept #1: Political Pyramid
In the United States we segregate our political parties like we segregate our food:
- we "think" we know their "nutritional" value
- we strictly categorize them into separate components
- an equal balance of all would probably be the healthiest choice.
For this idea I want to combine the imagery used for the United States Food Pyramid:
In the United States we segregate our political parties like we segregate our food:
- we "think" we know their "nutritional" value
- we strictly categorize them into separate components
- an equal balance of all would probably be the healthiest choice.
For this idea I want to combine the imagery used for the United States Food Pyramid:
With coordinating infographics that have to do with the population of political parties in the united states, including:
Democrat, Republican, Constitution, Green, Libertarian, American First, Independent.
This is both an info graphic and geometric solution.
Concept #2: We the What?
This typographic solution will poke fun at how well Americans truly do know their history. Are we completely educated and knowledgeable on what our rights are? With the incorrect sayings on the outside and the correct on the inside this conceal/reveal aspect will reflect that it does indeed take a little work in order to become knowledgeable on a subject.
May contain play on words such as: we the what?!, bill of knights, and variations on the pledge of allegiance.
Concept #3: The Family Peacekeeper
This pictographic solution will allow many more dinner table arguments in the United States fairly fought and understood. Family conflicts usually center around opposing political issues ( and usually after a couple of drinks, become very intense). So for your next family meal not only will there be coordinating sets of dinnerware for each member's political preference but just incase a key arguing point when in the midst of discussion, will have key values of their party placed on the inside of their cup. This will allow well informed arguments, for sometimes we all forget what we are really arguing about. Simple clean graphics will accompany this set of dishes that will make you never loose a dinner table argument again.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Tim Hurley's Ideas
My ideas are mainly written out, but following each idea is inspiration imagery for each idea. First off, after going to the Fishs Eddy store, I came to the conclusion that dishware design is more secondary than anything. Designs that were being sold in their store were designed as novelty items and all of the designs catered to everyone, and none of the designs were specific to any target audience or too loud in their subject matter/approach. With that said, I tried coming up with ideas that focused on politics in general and nothing more; by focusing on a broad topic, I would have designs that appealed to anybody walking into the store. In addition to this, I noticed that the majority of the people shopping in the store were a mix of young hip couples, middle age married couples, and single middle age women.

Politics is all about taking a side, and sticking by that side. People show their support in politics many different ways, but one effective way is through bumper stickers. Everyone who drives behind you sees what you support, advocate, and what you are against. Since politics is always changing, I think that collecting many different bumper sticker designs throughout history (both serious and funny) and mixing and matching them onto cups, bowls, plates, and anything else I can think of would be a unique aesthetic for dishware. These designs would serve as a overview of history, and politics over time, and provides people with something nice to look at, as well as something to look further into. In a way, the dishware becomes the bumper.
A lot of people enjoy memorizing all of the presidents and being able to recite their names upon looking at a photo. Presidents are iconic figures that everyone knows, and the majority of presidents have very distinct facial features and looks. The surrealist artists used to play a game called Exquisite Corpse, where they would fold the paper in sections, start with the head of a figure, pass it, move onto the body, pass it and so on; at the end you get a totally crazy creature that was created by everyone. I was thinking I could make exquisite corpses of the presidents. I think it would be funny to see Abraham Lincoln's mouth/beard paired up with Bush's eyes/hair. Once the designs are made, people would have fun trying to see if they can recognize who's who, plus they'd look pretty cool regardless of whether you know who's who.
There are alot of political parties out there. The two main being the republican and democratic, and other minor ones, however I bet you never knew about some parties that might have gotten lost within the mix. Some of these parties along with their symbols are the Pizza party (slice of pizza), the party party (mug of beer), graduation party (a cap and tassel), ice cream party (ice cream cone), dance party (disco ball), tea party (a tea bag), and many more. I am playing on the fact that we have a lot of types of parties that end in the word "party". Since the Democrat party has a donkey and the republican party is a elephant, i gave these types of parties, like the pizza party kids love celebrating in school, an icon similar to that of the democrat/republican party. It would be something that people would find humorous (it's a fresh use of a pun), and they could pick which icon suits themselves the most, or which ever one they think is clever.
Everyone is familiar with the 10 commandments, and the bill of rights, but are we familiar with the ones passed without the government telling us about? These ones are: The right to have seconds, the right to put the bowl up to your mouth, the right to be messy, the right to lick the plate, the right to split the meal, the right to take the last one, the right to double dip, the right to use your fingers, the right to taking an extra scoop of sugar, the right to play with your food, the right to...etc. I want to come up with copy that speaks to people on the level where they will go "ohhh haha, I do that! This plate/bowl/mug is great!". These are those joke dishes that people bring out time and time again because they saying captures who they are when they eat. I think a play that says, the right to take the last one is funny. These sayings relate to the dish specifically, and would be written in old fashioned style, and made to look like the 10 commandments/bill of rights. These were inspired by the dishes in the store that we based around moments of truth which were mainly type based.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
F.E. Concepts

Bear with me...my ideas are split into three categories and each category has three variations. All ideas are based around the concept of political scandals*. Ready?
A. Presidents or Magicians?--I want to relate a president and their scandal to a famous magician and their notable tricks/ gag.
Ex.Nixon wasn't charged for the Watergate crimes and Harry Houdini was a great escape artist. The central design could be Nixon either about to escape, or already out of a straitjacket. If he already escaped, the 'v for victory' gesture would be featured.
B. Famous Quotes: Madlibs- Turn famous political quotes into a game of Madlibs.
Ex. "I did not have sexual relations with that _________." (insert a noun into that blank space)
C. Famous Quotes: Hangman-To state it plainly: deciding to run for public office is kind of like setting yourself up for death. Every word you say can be used against you. Hangman is a visual representation of that.
Ex. "I Want To _e P_es_ _e_t"
2. Branded for Life
A. Target- Graphic B/W image of a president or pants with bold, red bulls-eye over the thing that got politicians in trouble.
Example: A person wearing dress pants pictured from belly button down, bulls-eye over crotch. This could represent Anthony Weiner.
B. Masked by Scandal-Person in a suit who is standing as if ashamed, but instead of wearing a paper bag over his or her head, they wear a mask of the symbol of their crime.
Example: Rod Blagojevich wearing a mask in the shape of a dollar bill.
C. Tagged: Name That Politician- Person in suit wearing a "Hello My Name Is" name tag with their scandal in place of their name.
Example: Hello, My Name is Watergate.
ALTERNATIVE-- Graphic B/W portrait of a politician with a red bar that bears the name of their scandal across their eyes.
Example: Nixon's face with "Watergate" in the red.
3. (Untitled)
A. Airing of Dirty Laundry- Clothes line of scandal symbols in lieu of clothes (paper money, boxers, badly graded papers etc.)
B. Parade of scandal symbols in balloon form. Macy's Thanksgiving Day style. The balloons would be colorful and on the bottom part of the plate.
C. Spinning a Yarn- It means to tell a story with exaggerated detail. So in the distance, a generic (or maybe specific) politician would be pictured, open mouthed. The yarn would flow out of their mouth, as if they were throwing it up, and would come forward more...gathering in the foreground.
*I understand that the scandals I list as examples generally involve sex and that's not kosher for dinnerware. Whatever I end up choosing, I know to keep it family friendly.
Fishes Eddy
My first concept is to create flatware that refrences the statistics of Occupy Wall Street. Each item would have a circle at 99% full that would stand for the 99% of Americans that represent the middle and working classes, under this would be circles representing subcategories like percent of protestors who are students, mothers, teachers, children, homeless these are just a few, their are a vast range of options.

My second idea is to create mind mapping charts critiquing the education system and the idea of cultural capital. The idea that those born wealthy will always be the most educated and cultured human beings in society because they are given the most options.

My last idea is flatware that asks questions that relate to feminism. Questions that often women ask themselves or ask society that males would never have to ask of themselves. Questions like; Why do Men make more money than Women?
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