Tuesday, January 31, 2012


-My first concept is a political tug of war, revolving around the tension between contrasting political parties that are still tied to one another.

-Since the theme of politics is such a broad term, my second concept was to explore a visual representation of the most straight forward and important aspect of politics: checks and balances.

-My last concept is about the blending/melding of opposing views to resolve conflict.

Monday, January 30, 2012

My Concepts

My first concept would use the symbolic donkey and elephant as animal crackers "battling" and benefiting themselves while hurting the other, like democrats and republicans do, except my interpretation of battling would be more literal. Animal crackers would add humor and a twist on the usual symbols, but also would go with plates etc. I would imagine different scenarios based off the object used, for example in a cup the elephant would be using the donkey as a stepping stool so when filled the donkeys "underwater" while the elephant can breath.

My second idea is based on the idea that there is one president but the nation's involved. I use the historical symbol of a powdered wig, and put different faces from punk to nerd, in the wig.

Another idea is to portray the levels of communication people go through to get their ideas heard, and the message can get distorted by the people in between the public and president. I would show this through the game telephone telephone.

My final idea is incorporating voting with gambling, because voting is a gamble. You have to trust and believe promises made by the politician you voted for will deliver. I combined a slot machine with voting booth to show this idea.

Fishs Eddy concept

my concepts and idea sketches are made in pdf so I can't upload file here.
I've email it to you so I hope to hear your comment on it soon:)


- To briefly talk about my concepts:
1. Focus on who will likely be the next U.S president
2. The Issue whether Obama would be next president or Democrats would support other candidate rather than Obama.
3. The fight between Republican and Democrats and who would domain next U.S election

My Concepts

So these are the concepts that I was going to present today:

Unacceptable items - This concept focuses on the items that have been or currently are embargoed/tariffed for political reasons. Each of the images has been paired up with a word that represents how these items have been viewed. Some possible subjects for this concept include wine (prohibition), tea (Boston Tea Party), corsets (there production was stopped in order to use the steel for the military), Cuban cigars (currently prohibited), oil (there have be threats of an embargo), birds (other countries banned importation during the bird flu epidemic), and nudity (not exactly embargoed, but pornography has been banned in the past).

Absentee ballot - This concept deals with the real reasons (some exaggerated) why people may want an absentee ballot. In order to receive a ballot, you must fill out a request form which asks you why you can't make it to the election. In reality, it offers reasons like hospitalization, but it does not take into consideration things like being entirely too overworked to get there, or economic problems preventing you from getting there. This concept will question that.

Genetic modification - This concept focuses on a topic that is relevant in environmental politics. The debate about whether or not genetically modifying food is helpful or harmful is often brought up. People often do not realize how much of their food has been altered and how much legal/political turmoil is involved.

Dogs against Romney

The Official Site of Dogs Against Romney(TM) founded 2007. Hi, I'm Rusty. Mitt Romney is mean to dogs. Help the message out about the Mitt Romney dog on roof story. Putting a dog on the car roof is abuse. Remember Crate-Gate. I ride inside.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Why do I like these?

I often find myself looking at illustration to gain some inspiration for graphic design/advertising. These illustrations by Ted Parker are really strange, but good. I normally don't find myself interested in drawing like this but these are really funny, bizarre, and uniquely done.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Don't know much about politics? New York Magazine has just launched a political site.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

NY Street Art

Discovered this photo set of street art on Flickr while researching/inspiration hunting for another assignment. I'm always on the lookout for different ways to illustrate things, so I thought this was a cool find worthy of sharing. There are a few photos of art outside NY too.