Monday, January 30, 2012

My Concepts

My first concept would use the symbolic donkey and elephant as animal crackers "battling" and benefiting themselves while hurting the other, like democrats and republicans do, except my interpretation of battling would be more literal. Animal crackers would add humor and a twist on the usual symbols, but also would go with plates etc. I would imagine different scenarios based off the object used, for example in a cup the elephant would be using the donkey as a stepping stool so when filled the donkeys "underwater" while the elephant can breath.

My second idea is based on the idea that there is one president but the nation's involved. I use the historical symbol of a powdered wig, and put different faces from punk to nerd, in the wig.

Another idea is to portray the levels of communication people go through to get their ideas heard, and the message can get distorted by the people in between the public and president. I would show this through the game telephone telephone.

My final idea is incorporating voting with gambling, because voting is a gamble. You have to trust and believe promises made by the politician you voted for will deliver. I combined a slot machine with voting booth to show this idea.

1 comment:

  1. Like the thinking in these. I'm curious how you would render the animals? and what the scenarios are? Love it. SImilar question for idea 2, very execution-dependent how do you see it? Idea three seems like an idea that may be too complex for dishwater. Like the insight in 4, very curious to see how it could be executed? Great!
