Monday, February 6, 2012

Initial Concepts- Marisa Lim

Concept 1: Mix and Match Political Standings

This idea is based around the concept of personalised and customised political standings. 
In present day, it is hard to identify and define one's individual political standing with just one word, this is usually not enough to depict their views. An individual may feel or believe a certain away in relation to one circumstance and topic whereas may feel contradictory in relation to another. Therefore the words "democrat" or "republican" is not substantial in providing a deeper understanding of one's viewpoints but perhaps would want to be elaborated on, especially over a meal.
Therefore specific issues and topics are made to correspond with a specific piece of dinnerware/cutlery. They are as follows:

Cups and Mugs: Political
Plates: Social
Deep Bowls: Economical
Shallow Bowls: Environmental

Under each category there are then multiple plates that correspond to how the individual may feel about that issue, therefore he/she can choose a dinnerware set accordingly and have their personal views relatable depending on each issue. Each individual therefore has a unique set defining their standings.

As for the visual execution, each design will be an abstract representation of each viewpoint. For example, the definition for each political standing will have key words and those key words be represented using only shapes, lines and colours.
For example: Conservative will utilize thin close together lines. Republicans like what is natural and therefore the use of organic shapes, as opposed to Democrats who will have geometric forms.

Concept 2: Political Slang/Jargon

Utilizing seemingly funny and obscure political phrases that have negative definitions to bring to light the darker sides of politics through a humorous means and therefore providing insight to politics. 
Words that individuals may not necessarily be familiar with therefore creating excitement around figuring out what is being depicted visually.
Examples of phrases/words: 

  • pork-barreling
  • fillibustering
  • limousine liberal
  • watermelon
  • voodoo poll
  • lame duck
  • kool-aid drinkers
These will be visually depicted as literal as possible, executed in a doodle like manner in the centre of each dinner piece. As if they were drawn by children. The definition of each phrase/word will be written on the back of each piece of dinnerware.

Concept 3: Fill My Plate With Hunger

Visually depicts the ways in which different political standings choose to deal with helping and minimizing poverty and hunger, both domestically and abroad. The systems, programs and regimes they adopt in order to do this.
Perhaps Fishs Eddy could save a percentage of each purchased dinnerware from this line in order to contribute to a charity of some sort to help hunger.

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