Friday, September 4, 2009

Informative Advertising

Agency: The Richards Group
Client: Episcopal New Church Center
Pitching an ad for a church must be a pretty hard thing to sell. Especially since their is no real product, service or any kind of monetary transaction involved. Working with informative advertising is all about moving people to action.
In this brilliant ad, the agency succeeds in addressing the brief, who's main focus was targeting young adults who had lost interest in their religion or felt the church was too sectarian.

Agency: Unknown
Client: La Ligue Contre le Cancer
Here is another powerful example of informative advertising. This ad conceived for a French organization against tobacco demonstrates how image and text complement one another by suggesting a cigarette autopsy and labeling the toxic substances found inside.
The copy reads: Autopsy of a murderer


  1. Hi buddies. I would like to say that I really liked this blog and if you dont mind I want to use the picture of this post on my blog. Of course I will mention you as my source. That's all. Congrats and keep up the good work!!!!!

  2. No problem, These are borrowed images from other sources anyway so have fun! :)

  3. Ok Escobar. If you want to talk to me my msn address is and on Twitter I'm @valcir_ See ya!!
